Our Promise to You

  • We can and will guarantee to you in writing both the best price and a guaranteed sale!
  • Don’t risk locking yourself into a contract with an auction house (with all of their “disclaimers” and fine print) where they cannot and will not guarantee you a sale, let alone the final sales price for your lamp.
  • Don’t sell to a dealer who has to give you less money for your lamp to help cover their very high overhead and other expenses.

Antique Tiffany Lamps

We have an established list of private Tiffany collectors seeking to buy signed, authentic, antique Tiffany lamps, chandeliers, and authentic, signed Tiffany lamp leaded glass shades of any size and style, in excellent condition or with only very minimal damage.

Tiffany’s first commercially produced lamps date from around 1895, though some earlier examples do exist. Due to their popularity, there have been many high quality reproductions and outright forgeries made of Tiffany lamps for more than 50 years—some of which are so good they can easily fool dealers and collectors alike. Any markings or signatures alone unfortunately, do not mean a lamp is “authentic.”


We are not fine art dealers, and because of our low overhead we can sell your antique Tiffany lamps and get you a very good price with no cost to you. We will guarantee you a sale and a price in writing in advance. If you have a genuine Tiffany lamp, or an antique “Tiffany looking” lamp you believe to be an authentic Tiffany Studios lamp, give us a call or send us 2-3 clear digital photos for a start. See the “Lamp Evaluation” form and fill it out. It is quick and easy.


If after reading the information provided on our site, you still have questions regarding our services, we invite you to use this simple contact form to send us general questions, and we’ll be happy to try to answer them for you.

For questions regarding a specific item in your possession, please take a minute to complete our short online Artwork Evaluation & Information Form or Lamp Evaluation & Information Form. These forms will provide us with the type of information we need to better assess what you have, and do our best to evaluate its potential for interest to our buyers.

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Each piece created by Tiffany Studios was a unique, handcrafted work of art. The variety of designs and styles are many, and the images presented herein on this site are only representative examples of  the patterns, quality and styles of  authentic lamps for which we have collectors who are looking to buy privately. We do not carry any inventory ourselves.

Tiffany Lamp Examples